Friday, June 11, 2021

June 11 2021 - Jumping Viruses


This thought occurred to me that the QAnon followers have been infected with a social media virus.  It has jumped from computer to humans.  You may think that this is silly, but in 2010 a scientist at the University of Reading became the first person in the world to be infected by a computer virus. He contaminated a computer chip which had been inserted into his hand as part of research into human enhancement and the potential risks of implantable devices. May 26, 2010

And this from in 2017: 

"In what sounds like a science fiction story, scientists have successfully infected a computer using a virus encoded in DNA. The experiment was designed to prove that DNA could be used to successfully infect computers in the future.

During the test, engineers created an artificial strand of DNA and “programmed” malicious code inside it. The strand was then inserted into a computer capable of reading the DNA code, and the malware successfully installed itself before going on to fully infect the machine."

And then the article that looks at this scenario: "In the area of medicine there is a clear focus on nanobots becoming one of the main tools to cure human diseases. These tiny little robots swim through the body to reach the intended site and will then inject drugs or even reprogram cells by changing DNA sequences.  If you think this is all science fiction that will never happen, have a look at the experiments going on at Harvard University. In 2014, Havard scientists injected nanobots into cockroaches that were programmed to react to specific proteins within the cockroaches. Harvard plan to have first experiments running on humans in 2019."  The article claims that common bio-viruses will be cured by nanobots. 

The 2020 article explains how it works in the COVID vaccines HERE.  "Lipid nanoparticles are the fatty molecular envelopes that help strands of mRNA — the genetic messenger for making DNA code into proteins — evade the body’s biological gatekeepers and reach their target cell without being degraded. They are enabling some of the most advanced technologies being used in vaccines and drugs. "

Is there hope for an antidote or ironically, a vaccination for anti-vaxxer, QAnon followers and Far Right Supremacists?

We have the beautiful flower Nigella, Love-in-a-Mist today.

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