Saturday, August 31, 2024

Aug 31 2024 - Back to School Advice - Ask Ferris Bueller


Ferris Bueller came to my mind last week - he was delivered to us by the CBC quoting his big line of the movie.  

 "Life moves pretty fast.  If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it."

I think it might be his only  great line, but then who is the real star of the movie?  The 1961 Ferrari 250 GT California Spyder and where is it now? There never was a real Ferrari in the movie - the car(s) were replicas.  One resurfaced in 2010, fully repaired and was auctioned in London for $122,000.  

I got to thinking more about Ferris' advice.  It may be quite important to students this year - they will have more time to look around with smart phones banned in schools.  

 We adults seem to respond slowly to life moving pretty fast.  How long has the debate about smartphones as learning disruptors gone on?  I would suggest it is at least in the 10 year range.  Currently over 70 percent of children have smartphones by age 12. We know things start much younger:  I recently saw a 2 year old in a stroller out for a walk watching the smartphone not the scenery.

 So Ferris Beuller's Day Off may get a next film.  Supposedly it focuses on the two valets who took the car for a spin.  

Reddit has already asked the question:  What would Ferris's day look like in 2024.  Here are some answers:

Ferris'd be a whole lot older

Ferris’ parents wouldn’t live in the same house

Ferris would've been able to submit an excused absence report online, making it uneccessary for him to have to fake his sickness & run from his principal.

Cameron would've been diagnosed with some sort of mental health issue, and either be on some type of medication, or in therapy

The movie would've ended 20-30 minutes earlier, since half of the plot would've been unnecessary

It is time for a holiday weekend.  The thunderstorm is passing over and we'll have a nice afternoon.  Still time for a summer visit to Grimsby Beach.

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