Saturday, September 7, 2024

Sep 7 2024 - The Red Carpet


What is the tradition of the "Red Carpet."  We take that expression for granted now, particularly with TIFF underway.  

Wikipedia comes up first saying it gained momentum in 1902 when the New York Central Railroad began using plush crimson carpets to direct people as they boarded their 20th Century Limited passenger train. This is believed to be the origin of the phrase "red-carpet treatment". By the late 1920s the red carpet had become synonymous with Hollywood and film premieres.  

And it grew and evolved from there, eventually becoming the outdoor place to parade celebrity stairs as they entered some public event.  Everybody makes money from the outside Red Carpet now - fashion designers particularly.  

Red carpets make their appearance for political dignitaries as well.  Red has that eye-catching quality.  That's why stop signs are red.  

And the true world record for the longest red carpet?  It is now7 kilometres in Pasadena, California 2019 having overtaken  6.358 kilometres long achieved by Bogaris Retail in Spain in 2018.  Previous records were in Beirut, Italy, 

And 219 dogs attended the red carpet premiere of the Paw Patrol movie, so broke the World Record for most dogs attending a film premiere.  There's a selief-taking world record on a red carpet by Dwayne Johnson. I am loathe to look it up. 

Continuation of the water series - this looks like a water creature rising from the depths.
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