Saturday, June 8, 2024

June 8 2024 - Yoga's got props


Are there those among us who take a mat to Yoga class?  Likely.   There are those hard foam blocks but I don't see anyone with them going into the Yoga class at the Y.

I doubt I know anyone with the prop below.  Looks cute, mind you.  Like all the Yoga pose pictures.  I have named this "Athletic Yoga". 

Some of the pictures look more like Cirque du Soleil acrobats balancing on each other but beside the mountains, in the forest or at the sea shore.

These yoga props have been around for thousands of years - They show up in stone sculptures and paintings.  There are lots of uses for them - getting correct alignment, making it easier, helping out those with movement restrictions.  

My favourite prop shows up in aerial yoga - Aerial yoga is a hybrid type of yoga developed by Michelle Dortignac in 2006 combining traditional yoga poses, pilates, and dance with the use of a hammock - well it is called a hammock.

What do I like about this yoga?  It has a pose named the one-legged king pigeon pose.   But can it compete with these?

 Break Your Face
 The Burning Thighs of Hell
 Disappointed with Major Life Decisions
 Dog Got Worms Again
 Goodbye Future Children
 The Secret Nap
 The Alien
 The Thighs Wide Open
 The Bad Day to Forget Deodorant
 The Call An Ambulance

  All made up by the writers.

 It is poppy time in gardens.

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