Saturday, August 24, 2024

Aug 24 2024 - the Friday Boy and Girl


You know where the term "boy Friday" came from - Robinson Crusoe's companion and servant was named Friday as that the day he was rescued.  That's the expression "Man Friday".  Why he became "the servant" etc probably has to do with it being written in 1719 and he was an "indigenous character".  

What about Boy Friday and Girl Friday?  

These are meant to describe "go to" workers.  They are an indispensable assistant - a secreatary, valet, chauffeur, maid-of-all-work, etc.  Why a Boy Friday would be a man, that's  interesting.

Girl Friday had the same connotation of being indispensable - and it became a well-known phrase  based on the 1940 comedy adaptation of "The Front Page" into "His Girl Friday".  Cary Grant and Rosalind Russell were the actors.  That was a satire of news media and politics.  Maybe not what was originally planned for the expression.

Boy Friday seems like an indulgent sort of phrase to me.  One that could easily be used online. Yet I don't see that anyone has taken up Boy Friday as a pop group or website - you can buy it from HugeDomains for $5,695.  

The closest thing I found is a Boy Friday Store online.  It has new things, wrist bits, neck fancies, finger jazz, other goods.  That's what Boy Friday should be about.

 I consider Millie to be the office girl.  She is good at some of the tasks - she is the receptionist - she lets us know people have arrived with barking.  She lets us know to have lunch at 11:55 - again with barking, just a different sort of bark.  She empties the garbage by attempting to eat the kleenexes and paper in it.  She has done data entry as long as you don't mind that any actual words be included.  

 We are at her favourite time of year, when the leaves start to fall.  This cartoon explains the situation.   And there she is on kitchen duty, or would that be patrol.


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